Congratulations on the first flight of N211KA. Keep us posted on
further flights.
Check six,
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
(90%) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module installed, pitch
system in, landing gear complete, rudder system in with Singleton Mod,
outrigger mod in, Fuselage Top on, lift/drag/flap pins in, wing
incidence set, tie bar in, flap drive in, baggage bay in. Fuel system
complete. Rotax and Airmaster installed. Mods 62, 66, 70 & 72 done.
Completed the instrument panel install. Europa interior kit being
installed. Installed windows. Working in - 25 Electrical, 28 Flaps,
30 Fuel System, 32 Tail, 34 Door Latches & 35 Doors, 37 Finishing.
Mostly finishing these days.
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208
Home: 940-497-2123
Cel: 817-992-1117
On Apr 27, 2008, at 12:07, Kevin Klinefelter wrote:
> >
> Hi All,
> I am very happy to announce the first flight of Europa Mono Kit A211
> on 4/23/08.
> Test Pilot was Bob Lindsay after an inspection and weight&balance by
> Kim Prout.
> I can not possibly thank those gentleman enough!
> Some facts about N211KA and first flight
> Intercooled 914
> Airmaster prop
> Alternator on vac pump pad
> Empty CG 59.25"
> First Flight CG 60"
> Empty Weight 886 lbs.
> VX 61
> VY 75
> First Flight total weight 1118 lbs.
> Bishop airport, California
> Right wing heavy when flown solo, and just a touch heavy with two up.
> Engine and Prop perform just perfectly together. Temps are all good
> on the ground and in the pattern. OAT was only around 70 F, so I may
> have issues in typical high summer heat around here.
> Awesome little airplane
> Kevin