Congratulations Kevin,
like you already have suggested, it does get hot in Bishop in the summer. We
landed there on May 6, 2006 on our way
to Lake Havasu City and Sedona during a heat-wave. My Europa is a Classic
Mono with a 912S, and I had installed a
larger oilcooler from the beginning, which I have to block off with some
tape during our cold season, but it has always been able to cope with the
hot summer days down south.
I am experimenting with flap-seals right now and notice a very marked
increase in climb performance. When one of my
flap-seals blew out( temporary self-adhesive), the aircraft dropped a wing
in that direction, due to the increase in lift on the other side. I feel
strongly about the value of flap-seals, especially since they are cheap and
easy to install. Soft P-section
seals of the right size for your aircraft are best.
Have fun flying, it beats building by a wide margin!
Peter Timm, # 110
Pemberton, B.C.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Klinefelter" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: First Flight N211KA
> Correction: left wing heavy solo
> Kevin Klinefelter wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am very happy to announce the first flight of Europa Mono Kit A211 on
>> 4/23/08.
>> Test Pilot was Bob Lindsay after an inspection and weight&balance by Kim
>> Prout.
>> I can not possibly thank those gentleman enough!
>> Some facts about N211KA and first flight
>> Intercooled 914
>> Airmaster prop
>> Alternator on vac pump pad
>> Empty CG 59.25"
>> First Flight CG 60"
>> Empty Weight 886 lbs.
>> VSO 43 KIAS
>> VX 61
>> VY 75
>> First Flight total weight 1118 lbs.
>> Bishop airport, California
>> Right wing heavy when flown solo, and just a touch heavy with two up.
>> Engine and Prop perform just perfectly together. Temps are all good on
>> the ground and in the pattern. OAT was only around 70 F, so I may have
>> issues in typical high summer heat around here.
>> Awesome little airplane
>> Kevin
> --
> Date: 4/26/2008 2:17 PM