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Re: Europa-List: Monos only need open

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Monos only need open
From: rparigoris <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:44:46

Hi Ferg

Its been a while since I fooled with outrigger mechanism, but after I fooled 
mine, once down and locked, it was latched real well until you retracted flaps
a lot. Flaps could be retracted well beyond what I figured could ever happen
while taxing before they would allow outriggers to retract. Thus call it 
once detente falls in place, you need to go well past that flap position
the other direction to lift detente out of position. I forget the piece
that needed some precision filing for the detente to fall into place, but if
you file too much, then the outriggers in the up position will flop around too
much. On the other hand if you don't file enough, then the detente will not fall
into position. The later sounds like what you have. Note that hot and cold
can move things so you best check clearance when hot and cold and allow for 
case. I am installing microswitchs to indicate if detente is fully in place.
You also best not actuate mechanism without lubri
 cation. Since you are fooling in this area, check as per an old service note 
europa that a piece of aluminium part has proper tempering, test is to deflect,
if it does not spring back, replace it. Also check Paul McAllisters report
(posted) on wearing on his outriggers and his position and choice of hardware.

Good Luck
Ron Parigoris
My Dad was a typewriter and mechanical adding machine repairman. Since a lot of
his knowledge rubbed off, it will make understanding "why" my outrigger 
a lot easier!

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