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Europa-List: Monos only need open

Subject: Europa-List: Monos only need open
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:59:13

Have a look at page 9-11 of the Builders Manual. In the flaps down 
position, there should be a gap in the OR5 slot. This allows the flap to 
move slightly without affecting the outrigger mechanism.
Up to now it works for me. Another thing to look at -on high time 
monowheels- is the wear in the outrigger pivot which allows the AN-11 
bolt to catch one the side plates and prevent the outrigger to lock. 
This is what happened to Paul-the-Aviator last year. After Paul's mishap 
I checked my outriggers and found that the tip of the bolt was rubbing 
on the side plates on both outriggers. One solution is to shorten the 
bolt slightly. As shown on the Manual, you should have 2 washers under 
the bolt head and no washer under the nut. As an additionnal precaution, 
chamfer the side plates to prevent the bolt to catch.   
F-PGKL, XS S/N395 monowheel,  912S, Airmaster, 560 hours  

"Apparently my outrigger(s) unlock if the flaps retract
only minutely. It then
occurred to me that I may not maintain sufficient pressure on the flap
control tube to prevent
a bounce allowing the flap to bounce up and unlock the shopping-cart 

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