"Troubling" is the kindest word I can utter on this topic.
Heretofore I have eased my mind with the notions that fuel tank
failures have been the result of previously-filled tanks left empty for
extended periods and subject to abnormally high ambient temperatures
(say, an Arizona summer).
Now it appears in Arnold Hansen's case that a partially filled
tank...left untouched for 20 months (with no leaks) but not subject to
extreme temp. changes...then drained for two days and partially
re-filled...is subject to failure.
And Jeff B has been flying the pants off of Baby Blue and finds bulges
and distortion in tank shape sufficient to contact control rods.
Sounds to me that we have a very serious issue on our hands.
I have CM installed, top just clecoed, and will be checking on the
feasibility of supplementing the plywood and aluminum angle
spacers...with the intent of minimizing tank bulging and preventing
interference w/ the control rods. I reason that maintaining the shape
of the tank as much as possible should reduce crack-inducing stresses.
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