Fred and all,
That would be my approach, if I were to build again. Support the front
of the tank with ply, or some such and possibly spray foam all other
areas, to add support. Seems this would completely encase the tank and
keep it relatively ridged. Any other ideas?
As the fleet ages, there are bound to be unforeseen problems that pop
up. We just have to deal with them as they appear and hopefully, spare
the new builders the pain... :)
Jeff - Baby Blue
Exhaust fixed and ready to take to the air, once again...
Fred Klein wrote:
> "Troubling" is the kindest word I can utter on this topic.
> Heretofore I have eased my mind with the notions that fuel tank failures
> have been the result of previously-filled tanks left empty for extended
> periods and subject to abnormally high ambient temperatures (say, an
> Arizona summer).
> Now it appears in Arnold Hansen's case that a partially filled
> tank...left untouched for 20 months (with no leaks) but not subject to
> extreme temp. changes...then drained for two days and partially
> subject to failure.
> And Jeff B has been flying the pants off of Baby Blue and finds bulges
> and distortion in tank shape sufficient to contact control rods.
> Sounds to me that we have a very serious issue on our hands.
> I have CM installed, top just clecoed, and will be checking on the
> feasibility of supplementing the plywood and aluminum angle
> spacers...with the intent of minimizing tank bulging and preventing
> interference w/ the control rods. I reason that maintaining the shape of
> the tank as much as possible should reduce crack-inducing stresses.
> Fred