In re: Tri-Gear main sockets
One cusses for several hours and hopes the neighbors do not complain about
the foul language. This was where I decided that the factory considered the
Tri-Gear to be the ugly step child in the family.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
Irvine, CA
Europa XS Tri-Gear
Airframe complete
[] On Behalf Of William Daniell
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 8:26 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Emailing: Tank bulge
I would be interested to know how you take the tank out . Do you cut the
top of the cockpit module out? And if so what is the recommendation for
putting the bit you cut out back on?
PS I am putting in my tri gear main sockets - without the top on. How on
earth did anyone put them in with the top on??!
[] On Behalf Of Peter Zutrauen
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 08:28
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Emailing: Tank bulge
I I remember correctly a few years back there was a change in the tanks from
the factory, basically flourinating them to avoid these problems. Are these
problematic tanks older pre-flourinated ones? Or are the new tanks also
chemically inadequate? I'd hate to hear how much $$ a custom welded Alum
would cost (let alone all the probs associated with weld quality leaks).
Pete Z.
A239 *still* a pile of parts.
On 4/29/08, Jeff B <> wrote:
While Baby Blue is in for repairs and installation of her new altitude hold,
I had occasion to look over the tank area, thoroughly. Sure enough, I found
evidence of contact between the center push rod and the tank, right where
you gents are point to. No real damage to the tank, but it was definitely
touching. I applied a bit of Velcro loop to the tank area to guard against
against further wear. I plan to either reposition the push rod, or extend
the brace to push the tank back into it's intended shape. I'll let everyone
know what I come up with and supply a pic or two...
BTW, my new exhaust down pipe, just arrived. I'll install it tomorrow.
Many thanks to John and Rodger for the prompt shipping. I ordered it one
week ago, yesterday...
Baby Blue
Steven Pitt wrote:
Following Arnold's picture I thought I would take one of my tank and the
bulge therein. Very similar but without a leak so far (!!??) as I know.
Steve Pitt
Tank bulge
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