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Europa-List: First Flight G-IVER

Subject: Europa-List: First Flight G-IVER
From: Ivor Phillips <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 20:56:27
I am very pleased to announce the First flight of G-IVER at 0831 today,
My good friend and flying companion Bob Harrison came down to Lydd to
witness the event, and without his encouragement and sage advise she
probably wouldn't be flying for at least a couple of more years,
 She is a little bit of a porker :-) at 910 lb but you wouldn't know it
---From the way she climbed away, It flew straight and true and is a
delight to fly, I am looking forward to all the test flying at long
last, All I can say is the 40 minutes of flight time today is ample
reward for the years of building,
One very happy bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ivor Phillips

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