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Re: Europa-List: First Flight G-IVER

Subject: Re: Europa-List: First Flight G-IVER
From: Robert Borger <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 13:31:04


Most hearty congratulations on the first flight of G-IVER.

Bob Borger

On Wednesday, May 21, 2008, at 03:14PM, "Ivor Phillips" 
>I am very pleased to announce the First flight of G-IVER at 0831 today,
>My good friend and flying companion Bob Harrison came down to Lydd to
>witness the event, and without his encouragement and sage advise she
>probably wouldn't be flying for at least a couple of more years,
> She is a little bit of a porker :-) at 910 lb but you wouldn't know it
>from the way she climbed away, It flew straight and true and is a
>delight to fly, I am looking forward to all the test flying at long
>last, All I can say is the 40 minutes of flight time today is ample
>reward for the years of building,
>One very happy bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Ivor Phillips

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