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Re: Europa-List: FW: For Andy

Subject: Re: Europa-List: FW: For Andy
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 23:15:10

"force needed near one of the extremities is beyond what i can produce"

sounds in my ears like "would become uncontrollable"    ;)

My plane:

I need almost full trim to nose down position when cruising in or near max 
During take offs and landings I trim to "neutral" postion.
That means I never use trim between neutral  and max nose upp position. 
My neutral is a real neutral ie. trim tabs and stabilators are levelled then.

Would like to know what happens if I trim max nose upp during 70 kts clean or 
If no answers, I will test during my next flight some day.
Problem: I am afraid I am strong enough to broke the controls.

As well as Jos asked, opinions please!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "josok" <>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:49 PM
Subject: Europa-List: FW: For Andy

> Words change while being transferred, i have never stated "would become 
> uncontrollable
in pitch" What i told Raimo was that the force needed near one of the
extremities is beyond what i can produce from a given point to a safe landing.
I would appreciate the opinion of others who have run a full test program.
They are all different, is it my plane only?
> Regards
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -

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