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RE: Europa-List: FW: For Andy

Subject: RE: Europa-List: FW: For Andy
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 23:18:09

Hi! Raimo.
I have some limited experience with the trim system "going out of
sync..." Since it was initially thought to be a wiring problem I endured
it for a while with discussions ensuing with the trim controller
The problem appeared to be that the system would not reverse until it
reached fully to the maximum limit. Initially I would hold the pitch
control and be brave enough to operate the trim motor to the maximum
deflection point and then it would reverse. I then really desperately
tried not to trim back for it to happen again. During all these test
circumstances I was most concerned for the strength of the trim system
and ultimately getting caught out trying to land in the failed mode.
Finally I used to let the aircraft fly with the maximum trim out
location hands off.. until the control was able to reverse. The Ray
Allen Company then got to do some serious reasoning about the problem
and asked me to return the motor and the control unit to them. They
tested out the motor and their relay deck and discovered a fault in the
relay deck and replaced it free of charge.  I've had no problems since.
Of course by not resisting the forces the control system was not
stressed however it would have been impossible to land.

Bob Harrison G-PTAG            

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Raimo
Sent: 16 June 2008 21:15
Subject: Re: Europa-List: FW: For Andy

"force needed near one of the extremities is beyond what i can produce"

sounds in my ears like "would become uncontrollable"    ;)

My plane:

I need almost full trim to nose down position when cruising in or near
max cruising speed.
During take offs and landings I trim to "neutral" postion.
That means I never use trim between neutral  and max nose upp position. 
My neutral is a real neutral ie. trim tabs and stabilators are levelled

Would like to know what happens if I trim max nose upp during 70 kts
clean or dirty?
If no answers, I will test during my next flight some day.
Problem: I am afraid I am strong enough to broke the controls.

As well as Jos asked, opinions please!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "josok" <>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:49 PM
Subject: Europa-List: FW: For Andy

> Words change while being transferred, i have never stated "would
become uncontrollable in pitch" What i told Raimo was that the force
needed near one of the extremities is beyond what i can produce from a
given point to a safe landing. I would appreciate the opinion of others
who have run a full test program. They are all different, is it my plane
> Regards
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -

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