Hi Ron
The essential thing is that the nose radius is quite small, therefore
VERY easily sanded away, it is also as you say drooped a bit. The effect
is very subtle and not obvious to the unaided eye.
My confused PC has hidden the CAD file of the airfoil section somewhere.
(I Hate Windoze!) I did publish it on the forum a few weeks ago so
anyone who has it please republish it?
Can't see myself being able to help just at the moment. Too many other
pressures, not least a depressed Long EZ still not ready.
rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny.us wrote:
> Hi Graham
> Don Dykins talks of Europa airfoil in his book and essentially what he
> does is puts an amount of NASA Lead Edge Droop that keeps stall very
> acceptable but not so much as to increase high speed drag too much.
> Graham would you be willing to make up some profile templates so mere
> mortals could check their plane? I for one will order.
> Having too much droop will only cause high speed drag, too little can make
> stall a lot more violent.
> Flying a heavily loaded plane will probably bring out the worst in a
> Europa with not enough of "Dons Droop". Since plane was designed for 1370
> AUW, flying at 1450, 1500 or 1525 even if it is only a few times in the
> life of your europa it would be wise to make sure you have at least what
> Don had in mind.
> Ron Parigoris