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Re: Europa-List: Pneumatic Installation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Pneumatic Installation
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:26:44

That's why I took em off. Wish I hadn't now :-(
incidentally that's another story, very careful attention to the leading 
edge profile (digital airfoil section as Don designed) make an enormous 
difference to the character of the stall. 3 times and 3 airplanes now 
many hours spent on the LE have given very good low speed handling. It's 
the first 3 inches of the leading edge that make all the difference.

Mike Parkin wrote:
> Ferg,
> PS.  Stall strips can affect short field performance - a stall warner does
> not.
> Regards,
> Mike

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