The forum is usually a place where opinions and experiences can be
shared to the benefit of all. I don't see that the tone of this
thread enhances the forum or encourages new members to contribute.
Given that there seems little agreement here perhaps it should be
On 7 Aug 2008, at 22:32, GTH wrote:
> Josok,
> I'm so sorry you're having problems with what some of us may have
> to say about technique and measurements.
> You are entitled to any opinions you may have about technique,
> electricity, cooling, pilotage, carburator linkage or whatever. And
> so is any of us.
>> As usual a long answer, and not very much to the point. it was to
>> be expected. The results you publish were first from
>> investigations by your students, now from a professional
>> laboratory. Students working in a professional laboratory, and
>> publishing numbers without proper checking?
> In France, university laboratories are encouraged to work for the
> industry. As for the students, would the phD of some of them be
> considered suitable for the simple thermal measurements they made ?
>> they can not be true, they do not even come close.
> Josok, close to what ?
> To your own measured loss numbers ? Or to what you *believe* these
> numbers should be ?
>> the poor reliability of the unit is not heat related.
> Understand.
>> It's just a poor quality item.
> Hmm.
>> IMHO no use to find cooler spots or start adding fans with their
>> own reliability and fire-hazard problems
> By the way, what is your proposition ?
> I really can't help you, since I'm not the one with the failed
> regulator and messed up circuit ;-)
> Best regards,
> --
> Gilles