Did I miss something, or is there indeed a silence about this subject?
I'm about to install a Woodcomp propellor, but I'm holding this off
until I have some more insight about the reliability of this system.
Also, nobody mentioned it yet, but I'm very interested in the cause of
the post landing fire. It is a horrible prospect that this can happen,
and I want to take all precautions to minimise this risk.
One thing I wonder is how the drain valves affect this risk. They
protude from under the skin, and once you glide through a tree or over a
rough surface, they will probably break off, and the fuel is free to
leak away, possibly inside the cabin if the assembly comes loose, or
otherwise under the airplane, which is not desirable as well.
Also, not having a switch on the main fuel pump (914) and route it not
via the main switch, as the manual recommends, introduces the risk that
the fuel pump pumps the entire tank contents inside the cabin after a
crash. Of course, having a switch on it introduces another risk: an
inadvertently switch off... How do others think about this subject?
BTW, it is no longer possible for me to answer on the Europa list via
the online forum. The mandatory spell-check malfunctions (it mutters
something about a debug mode?). Is there a way to bypass this spell
check or can someone switch it off?