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Re: Europa-List: Jos Okhuisen

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Jos Okhuisen
From: josok <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 17:42:03

Hi Will and all,

Before i forget again the most important thing i would like to say: Thank you 
for all the snail- email- sms's and phone calls. I knew this is a great 
still all those people living these events with me is more then i did
expect. You probably will never know how very important your communications were
for me at the worst moments. 

Yes, in my humble, crah tested opinion, the Europa is a safe plane, not only to
fly but also to crash. Still, on more then one account, the accident was not
survivable. I was extremely lucky, and the fact that being born Dutch makes me
a cheese-head might have helped to maintain consiousness and get out before the
fire really started bazing.


Jos Okhuijsrn

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