I have had both the wing leveller and altitude hold installed in a Tecnam
Sierra connected to an Avmap 4 GPS. I had the standard altitude hold without
auto trim as the Sierra exhibits very little trim change during flight and
so did not go for the auto trim which is available if the aircraft has
electric trim fitted. The EZ 2 allows pre set climb or decent rates as well
and the EZ 3 does that but with the addition of it also levels off at a pre
set height.
Over the winter I have built another Sierra and have installing the new
Trio Pro Pilot which uses the same servos but all incorporated in one head.
This is in fact the wing leveller and EZ3 in one case and is cheaper as a
package than the two separate units to the same spec. This will be connected
to a "Flymap GPS" but the Trio units uses the standard NMEA 0183 signal
link that is common to most GPS. Pre made wiring harnesses are available if
The Trio does what it says on the box and will fly the aircraft better than
you can. As for service, it is superb. I stripped a gear in my first one
through clumsiness on my part while adjusting the clutch and they sent me a
whole new servo by return..
Paul Mitchell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frans Veldman" <frans@paardnatuurlijk.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Autopilot /Trio Avionics - Dynon
> <frans@paardnatuurlijk.nl>
> Hi Raimo,
>> Trio Avionics Ez Pilot looks neat.
>> Also their customer support seems to be fast and pro, so far.
>> What about users experiences?
>> Somebody there - do you have any important info?
> I also decided to use a Trio Avionic's EZ Pilot. I've built it in, but
> I'm not flying yet. Their customer support is great indeed! Installation
> is pretty straightforward, I linked the servo to the starboard stick,
> and put the servo itself under the left thigh support.
> The nice things are that it really communicates very well with the GPS,
> and has very nice features, not seen in other auto pilots. The complete
> installation is very lightweight.
> Frans
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