I have a Trutrak wingleveler and for the 200 hours I have flown it works gr
eat. It is slaved to the Garmin 430 and intercepts at the waypoints of the
route. Also good after sales service.
Best regards=2C
Karel Vranken.
> From: raimo.toivio@rwm.fi> To: europa-list@matronics.com> Subject: Europa
-List: Autopilot /Trio Avionics - Dynon> Date: Wed=2C 3 Sep 2008 10:54:57 +
.fi>> > All> > I have decided to install autopilot=2C probably one axis onl
y.> > Trio Avionic=B4s Ez Pilot looks neat.> Also their customer support se
ems to be fast and pro=2C so far.> > On the other hand=2C I have in my pane
l Dynon D10A.> I know there is a possibility to update it for Dynon=B4s aut
opilot.> That would be much cheaper way but somehow I do not like that idea
.> > What about user=B4s experience=B4s?> Somebody there - do you have any
========================> >