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Europa-List: Jab3300 Cowlings

Subject: Europa-List: Jab3300 Cowlings
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:49:05
Good day....or All,

It's late here so I figure to post this and call it a night. For those that  
have the Jab3300 fitted to their aircraft I have a question. I have mounted 
the  lower cowl...and have placed the upper cowl in place.....but then I started

 wondering....I can screw into the fuselage with the rear of the top cowl but 
 what have people done to secure the front of the top cowl?....I would 
imagine  the top bolts to the bottom....but what have "those that have gone 

done?  Brackets? Plates?  

Mike Duane  A207A
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
Jabiru 3300  
Sensenich R64Z N
Ground Adjustable  Prop

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