>I have hit one snag though, M2f the software that threads Matronic
>Listserver on the site does not work with phpBB3. (We are working on
>that though).
>Here's the question.. Is that the major feature of the site for all
>of you users out there or should we go with the new site and
>concentrate on the Gallery making it more searchable and more
>closely tied to the users?
Steve - as one who prefers to have my mail delivered rather than run
around town collecting it from the depots of a couple of dozen
different firms, I make little direct use of EuropaOwners and rely
upon postings there being echoed to the Matronics list.
I do occasionally visit your site to view pictures and find that useful.
If your changes mean that the automatic copying of messages between
EuropaOwners and the Matronics list ceases to function, I will be
disappointed. I much prefer to get all my Europa news and information
in one place.
Matronics (if I recemember correctly) have implemented a web-based
interface where messages can be browsed just like a bulletin-board
system for those who prefer it, and there is also a photo-share
feature. Your site does seem to duplicate many of the Matronics
features, and I wonder whether there is really still a need for 2
such services to the Europa community.
| Rowland Carson LAA #16532 http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/
| 1170 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>