I agree that the email list is invaluable to keep up with daily events, but
have to express my concern for any suggestion that matronix be substituted
for the great www.EuropaOwners.org <http://www.europaowners.org/> site.
Yes, it would be great if the owner's site could have its search features
enhanced (which would rely on folks annotating their pictures consistently),
but the site serves the truly important role of providing the only
comprehensive Europa-specific resource for all owners and builders.
As it appears that our fine ship's mfg ownership is still in flux after many
years now - and will likely remain that way until the global economy
recovers, Steve and Josok's efforts in providing an independent, dependable
and comprehensive resource are that much more important, and very much
appreciated by many of us.
IMHO, it would be terrific if we could add the email list feature to the
EuropaOwners.org site, and migrate off of the matronics site altogether.
Still a pile of parts, but now actually being worked on!
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:18 AM, <jimpuglise@comcast.net> wrote:
> I agree. I depend on the Matronics list for the everyday surfing and go
> to the owner's site when I have a topic I need to research. Anything you
> can do to improve the searchability would be appreciated.
> Jim Puglise
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rowland & Wilma Carson" <rowil@clara.net>
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 10:09:47 AM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: www.EuropaOwners.org<http://www.europaowners.org/>
> >
> >I have hit one snag though, M2f the software that threads Matronic
> >Listserver on the site does not work with phpBB3. (We are working on
> >that though).
> >
> >Here's the question.. Is that the major feature of the site for all
> >of you users out there or should we go with the new site and
> >concentrate on the Gallery making it more searchable and more
> >closely tied to the users?
> Steve - as one who prefers to have my mail delivered rather than run
> around town collecting it from the depots of a couple of dozen
> different firms, I make little direct use of EuropaOwners and rely
> upon postings there being echoed to the Matronics list.
> I do occasionally visit your site to view pictures and find that useful.
> If your changes mean that the automatic copying of messages between
> EuropaOwners and the Matronics list ceases to function, I will be
> disappointed. I much prefer to get all my Europa news and information
> in one place.
> Matronics (if I recemember correctly) have implemented a web-based
> interface where messages can be browsed just like a bulletin-board
> system for those who prefer it, and there is also a photo-share
> feature. Your site does seem to duplicate many of the Matronics
> features, and I wonder whether there is really still a need for 2
> such services to the Europa community.
> regards
> Rowland
> --
> | Rowland Carson LAA #16532 http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/
> | 1170 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>
> <============
> *