I have read the thread with great interest and I think I need to add some
facts. Some already stated by Jos and
I have used WoodComp SR2000 for three years with 100% success so far. Also
vent to WoodComp
for a two days course in order to conduct service and get a better
It was very interesting indeed.
The quality of the different propeller parts is very good. I was allowed
to put one SR2000 and one SR3000
together. Supervised of course :-)
Here goes my list of remarks
WoodComp makes good propellers. Propellers installed on many
ultralights/experimentals with success
SR2000 end stop is better then SR3000. More ruggedized. The micro switch
used on SR3000 is not the very best.
I was a bit surprised when I first saw them
SR2000 has push-rods instead of gear in order to change pitch. That means
that the SR2000 can not move to superfine.
When you throttle back in order to enter the landing pattern for example,
the RPM will drop as soon as the end stop has been reached as explained by
Normally you do not throttle back as much as Jos did in cruise but that
was due the fact the controllers settings was wrong.
The end-stop should not normally be reached turning from climb- to
cruise-regime as Frans explained
My conclusion:
End stop that works is mandatory. SR3000s micro switch is not the very best,
Jos reaction was human. He throttle back due the MAP reading.
Frans is correct the end stop was not the start of the event chain. The
incorrect setting seems to start the situation.
With a working end stop this sad accident would probably not happend
If the propeller goes wild or wrong setting: TURN OVER TO MANUAL. Use
manual now and then in order get used.
Drill this as much you simulate engine failure: Turn electric pump on
switch to reserve tank
One other thing worth mentioning here:
Set the HYSTERESIS regime to 100 (WoodComp recommendation)
That means that the regulator does not trigger the servo for minor changes
in prop-speed (rpm)
If the prop speed (rpm) drops let say 70 rpm, the servo will stay
passive. This saves the servo and the mechanics evidently
Best regards
Stephan Cassel
LN-STE Mono 140 hours