Dear Europa List ,I have a question for the Europa List. =C2-I have attach
ed a picture of our original Europa Classic cowl (rotax) and naturally it do
esn't mate up with the Jab3300. =C2-With this in mind has anybody out ther
e in Experimental Europa/Jabiru land modified the original cowl to fit the J
AB? =C2-I have pictures of John Lawton's Europa =C2-N245E and I assume t
he cowling came from Jabiru USA ? =C2-And of course looks fantastic, howev
er, I find the original look of the Europa intriquing and full of "english"
personality! =C2-I like its big nose and hedgehog charm.I just thought I w
ould check to see if it had been done. =C2-It would take a great deal of m
odification to the air inlets and a quite a curvey nacelle =C2-would have
to be fabricated to make it work: =C2-And of course this brings up issues
with proper airflow and cooling of the equipment. =C2-So far with our curr
ent JAB we have had to wrestle with some cooling issues and it seems that co
wl design can be a fairly prickly issue...a black art for me at least.Thanks
for your time and consideration, Cheers!Jeff Paris #A012Peter Paris
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