Hi! Jim.
I have to concur with Jeffrey. My 3300 installation was the first and
the UK agent had made a "plug" to fit a 2200 engine down to the Europa
Obviously I had to extensively change the front to suit the 3300 and I
did lots of experimenting with Eyebrows and "underbrows" and also a top
The biggest factor and so important is to arrange for the sump cooling
fins to get dedicated air to exit right out the rear cowl bottom.
Your whole effort must go to ensuring top cowl pressure is forcing cold
air downwards through and across the engine completely against the
physics of hot air rising.
You may get some ideas from my ( defunct cowl since I have a Rotax 914
now) by looking at http://www.crix.co.uk <http://www.crix.co.uk/>
Not necessarily repeatable without the close to spinner MT CS
Blades/paddles !
You may see that the sump then oil cooler are ducted and dedicated,
finishing up in a collector manifold under the muffler with butterfly
connections to both foot wells or exit to waste out the back. I could
fry the P2 position by collecting this heat for cabin .
But you have just got to keep this high pressure air out of the lower
cowl and in the duct to allow the main downward cooling air to do it's
job through the heads and barrel fins.
I also devised a way to switch off the oil circulating through the
cooler since with the cooler constantly in the circuit the oil never got
to acceptable temperature levels...But had to extend the slot in the
ball valve to ensure that on switchover there was always adequate
pressured oil to the engine. This was by a mechanical push pull lever to
the P1 position. Manifold and oil switch all displayed on the above web
site (I just checked!)
I personally wouldn't wish to go that way again especially all at my
expense with no assistance from the distributor.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG ex 3300
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 03 April 2009 23:04
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cowl Question?
The original cowling was designed for the Rotax, which was the engine of
choice for the original airplane. I also have a Jab. and have the Jab.
FWF kit. Trying to modify the original cowling to fit the Jab. would be
a very extensive project. By far, your best bet is going to be to use
the Jab. kit. For starters, the Jab. is a bit longer than the Rotax and
you would need to account for that, as well as the vastly different
cooling. Your best sources will be Bud or John Lawton.
Jim Puglise A-283
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey J Paris" <jeffrey-j-paris@excite.com>
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 5:35:12 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Europa-List: Cowl Question?
Dear Europa List ,
I have a question for the Europa List. I have attached a picture of our
original Europa Classic cowl (rotax) and naturally it doesn't mate up
with the Jab3300. With this in mind has anybody out there in
Experimental Europa/Jabiru land modified the original cowl to fit the
JAB? I have pictures of John Lawton's Europa N245E and I assume the
cowling came from Jabiru USA ? And of course looks fantastic, however,
I find the original look of the Europa intriquing and full of "english"
personality! I like its big nose and hedgehog charm.
I just thought I would check to see if it had been done. It would take
a great deal of modification to the air inlets and a quite a curvey
nacelle would have to be fabricated to make it work: And of course
this brings up issues with proper airflow and cooling of the equipment.
So far with our current JAB we have had to wrestle with some cooling
issues and it seems that cowl design can be a fairly prickly issue...a
black art for me at least.
Thanks for your time and consideration, Cheers!
Jeff Paris #A012
Peter Paris
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