Hi Peter
My finger filters were soldered then redux into there connectors four years ago
took them out over christmas and found no deterioration in there bonding,
Even with the aircraft stood idle i have always kept fuel in her,
---- Peter Rees <peter.rees01@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> Gents
> I'm in the process of making up the water (or hopefully just fuel) drain
> mod for fitting to HI. I've made up the finger strainers and the manual says
> that they can be soldered or reduxed. I tried to solder them but couldn't
> really get the gauze clean enough to solder well enough that I was happy
> there wouldn't be bits of solder wandering about on both sides of the Gauze.
> I acquired another piece of gauze from Europa and this time, reduxed it
> along the seam and around the end where its pinched onto the copper tube. My
> question is, after soaking the unit in petrol for about 6 hours, the redux
> doesn't appear to be 100 percent fuel resistant as it seems to have softened
> (it was given about 72 hrs to cure). Does anyone know if Redux is OK for
> permanent immersion in Mogas?
> Thanks
> Peter