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Re: Europa-List: Mod 70

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mod 70
From: <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 08:09:43

I had a look at this and decided that it was probably not practical. The re
ason is because the tension on the bungee cord is relatively constant from 
the gear being fully up to fully down. This would be difficult to achieve w
ith the limited length and extension of a conventional spring. The only way
 I could see it working is if the geometry was arranged so that the moment 
arm increased as the gear was raised. Space is quite limiting in this area 
so I gave up at this point

Nigel Charles.

----Original Message----
Date: 14/04/2009 20:25 
Subj: Re: Europa-List: Mod 70


My understanding from discussions with Nev is that the spring reaction of a
 metal spring is incorrect for this application.

Bob B

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 14, 2009, at 11:19, Raimo Toivio <> wrote:

Bud and all

is there any mod that replaces bungee to spring(s) in mono?
I read Curtis Jaussi=C2=B4s earlier message carelessly and thought there is
but understood later he has a trike and has replaced trike=C2=B4s bungee to

Raimo OH-XRT

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 3:12 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mod 70

If you built the mass balance arm properly and didn't bugger up the holes o
r have a tail wheel type, the original mass balance arm seems to be holding
 up.  But over time, side play will wallow out the 3/16 holes and that is w
hat we were concerned about.

I hope you have  a good sized access hole.  If you do, it takes 2-4 hours d
epending on turnbuckles, cables, your tower width, etc.  Pretty much a no b

The new part is properly made and will serve many years without fail.  If y
ou install the TP18 butterfly attachment for the cables it takes 4 hours.  
So cut the old cables, pull out the arm with weights.  Assemble the new arm
 on the bench.  Rig up a small turnbuckle from A/C Spruce and throw the thi
ng in.  As for the phenolic parts, I use #8 screws as they countersink easi
er.  I use a dab of double back sticky tape to set the rub strip where I wa
nt it then add just a dab of slow setting thick superglue, check it again a
nd hit it with the accellerator.  I have an angle drill that makes the prem
ade holes I make easy to do by feel.  Insert the nuts and screws, and pull 
down.  I have some one handed gimicks I use like a cut off stubby screwdriv
er that wedges into the post slot and holds the screw.  Then I put on the n
ut and crank her down.

Call me when you need one.

Bud Yerly

Custom Flight Creations (813) 653-4989
Europa Dealer

Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 09:21:07 -0600
Subject: Europa-List: Mod 70

I'm just getting back to getting N6125 in the air again after a couple of y
ears away from flying.  I am upgrading the engine to a Jason Parker 914 tur
bo, fuel injected and other mods that have come out since I put things in m
othballs.  I ahve installed the springs that replace the bungie and am plea
sed with how that went.  The question I have is about the necessity of the 
mass balance arm replacement as it seems to be a challenging job.  How impo
rtant do others find it for a tri-gear flown from paved runways.  Have most
 builders in the US made this change?  What are the opinions?   It's great 
to be back to the Europa.

Curtis Jaussi
Tri gear 914
40 hours flown in 2006 


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