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RE: Europa-List: Aileron setting and more

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Aileron setting and more
From: Brian Davies <>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 09:13:17
Hi Bruno,

>From bitter experience (many wasted hours) I would recommend reading the
latest factory build manual pages and following it to the letter. Provided
you do every stage of the aileron rigging process, it will describe how to
make adjustments to obtain the correct angles.  Setting the disconnect
plates vertical to a centre line drawn between the wing spar pins and
adjusting the individual aileron up stops correctly before fitting the wings
to the plane provides a good starting point.  Get these angles wrong and
nothing works as it should.


Brian Davies


[] On Behalf Of UVTReith
Sent: 15 April 2009 11:41
Subject: Europa-List: Aileron setting and more

Hi Europa Family,

At present I am working on fine trimming, weight and balance etc.

When I measured the angles of my ailerons, they are quite different and need
correct setting.

How can I do the adjustments of this?

Thanks for help.

Best Regards,

Bruno Reith / UVT Reith

XS Mono


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