<I assume you surely have a warning system for closed returnline when the
gear is down? ;)
My gear is always down, it's a tri-gear! ;-)
<I assume when not in use you close both valves in fuel turn and
On most flights, I do not touch the fuel return close-off valve - it is left
wide open to ensure full fuel return to minimize risk of vapour lock.
During the test flying, I used it to find the best speed vs. fuel
consumption. I then operated over farm fields that with some skill and luck
would allow a reasonably safe landing in case the engine stopped due to
vapour lock (it never coughed). Now I use just once in a seldom while.
Nobody reading this should install such a valve without establishing where
you are with respect to the authorities. It is a critical interference in
the fuel system - if you forget to open it again you might be in
difficulties at some stage. When I close the valve, I keep my hand on the
valve until I have registered the reading and opened the valve again.
<Where is your return line valve? Near main valve?
Instead of the standard Europa fuel tank selector valve, I have an Andair
valve recessed in the top of the cocpit module tunnel immediately aft of the
throttle to select Main/Reserve/Off.
I have used the Europa supplied valve in the fuel return line instead
(blocked off one valve branch) and fitted it in the standard fuel selector
valve location, on the left side of the tunnel. I have fitted stoppers to
prevent turning the valve too far in either direction (i.e. only 90 degr