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Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights

Subject: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 17:57:18


Sveins answer below gave me a new topic.

After flights do you close or not main fuel selector valve?

I have elected to keep it always open!
I understand there is an other side also.
Anyway when it is always open I never forget to open it before take offs.
I tested and it is possible to make a fast take off with closed valve.
That means EFATO situation.

To prevent jamming or seizing  I move it couple of times in a year between 

Other visions please.

Raimo OH-XRT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sidsel & Svein Johnsen" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Fuel return line attachment point with 912UL

> Raimo,
> <I assume you surely have a warning system for closed returnline when the
> gear is down?  ;)
> My gear is always down, it's a tri-gear!   ;-)
> <I assume when not in use you close both valves in fuel turn and
> returnlines?
> On most flights, I do not touch the fuel return close-off valve - it is left
> wide open to ensure full fuel return to minimize risk of vapour lock.
> During the test flying, I used it to find the best speed vs. fuel
> consumption.  I then operated over farm fields that with some skill and luck
> would allow a reasonably safe landing in case the engine stopped due to
> vapour lock (it never coughed).  Now I use just once in a seldom while.
> Nobody reading this should install such a valve without establishing where
> you are with respect to the authorities.  It is a critical interference in
> the fuel system - if you forget to open it again you might be in
> difficulties at some stage.  When I close the valve, I keep my hand on the
> valve until I have registered the reading and opened the valve again.
> <Where is your return line valve? Near main valve?
> Instead of the standard Europa fuel tank selector valve, I have an Andair
> valve recessed in the top of the cocpit module tunnel immediately aft of the
> throttle to select Main/Reserve/Off. 
> I have used the Europa supplied valve in the fuel return line instead
> (blocked off one valve branch) and fitted it in the standard fuel selector
> valve location, on the left side of the tunnel.  I have fitted stoppers to
> prevent turning the valve too far in either direction (i.e. only 90 degr
> turn).
> Regards,
> Svein

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