----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Borger" <rlborger@mac.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights
I too have tried the closed position to see how long the noise maker
continues to run and was surprised by how long it works. Scary
thought of taking off with valve in one of the many OFF positions and
I have only three possible positions with one OFF position:
- pointer to fore position means MAIN (because I wanna fly usually forward!)
- pointer to up position means RES (because I do NOT wanna go down!)
- pointer to aft position means CLOSED (because I do not wanna fly anymore!)
- pointer to down position is not possible to select.
There is a good visible sign also but in emergency there is maybe no time to
I think the up position for RES is natural mentally.
I have tested it once in a real life when my main filter was blocked and a
went silent.
Raimo OH-XRT