Hi Frans & All,
Regarding the factory run in, I seem to recall that when I checked the log
in the TCU it had nearly 5 hours on it, and something like 30 minutes in
boost, but given that it was over 4 years ago and I have had many rum and
coke's since I can't be sure.
I did quite a bit of moving around the airport taxi ways before my first
flight with the cowling off, maybe for an hour and I think this is the
reason why I didn't see any over heating. It was also in March which is
typically cooler here.
Subsequent to that I have always had cooling problems. If I taxi out to the
hold short line and ATC has me holding I will see CHT temperatures close to
red line after about 20 minutes of engine running. By 20 minutes I mean
that this includes from first engine start. On two occasions at Sun n' fun
I had long taxi's and I had to shut the engine down to stop the CHT's
hitting red line.
During straight and level flight I see the CHT's about right and the oil
temps on the cool side. During climb the oil temperatures will red line.
On the occasions I fly IFR and file for an altitude of anything above 10'000
I have to step climb it.
My cooling experiences with a 914 haven't been great, in summary the CHT's
overheat on the ground, oil overheats in the climb and in general it all
runs too cool in cruise.
My aircraft is currently apart due to having removed the engine for its case
fretting problem so I am going to take the opportunity to make some cooling
modifications while it is apart. I know that this will delay me getting it
back for this flying season, but if I don't deal with it now I will end up
putting it off again. I'll keep you all posted with my results.