I am glad to hear that everything is falling into place nicely. You will be
flying then this summer ?
About the run-in question: maybe the guys who went on the Rotax course coul
d shed some light on it. I understand that an airlock would be near the rad
iator or pump.
I wonder why the nosewheel shaft was so tight=2C unless it was secured with
Cheers=2C Karl
> Date: Wed=2C 29 Apr 2009 13:42:39 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: First engine run=3B what is normal?
> Karl=2C
> > Your cooling problems at startup are not at all typical.
> I got some emails (on the list and privately) from people who have
> experienced similar problems. So it is not really a-typical either.
> Maybe it is a matter of luck how tight a newly produced engine is.
> > As far as I
> > know the engines are run in at the factory=2C and there is no recommend
> > 'run-in' period=2C like there used to be many years ago for cars.
> Of course engines are now produced with much smaller tolerances=2C
> minimizing the run-in period=2C but still some run-in remains to be done.
> As far as I know the engines are just "test-run" at the factory=2C only
> for a very short time=2C and not for the time required to perform a full
> run in.
> > You may well have had an airlock somewhere which cleared itself.
> If that were true=2C coolant should have dropped somewhat=2C but that is
> the case. Also=2C all cylinders ran at the same CHT=2C so they either sho
> have had all four a similar airlock=2C or the airlock should have been in
> the radiator or collection tank=2C which is quite unlikely as well. Then
> the vibration=2C that cleared itself as well. Everything suggests that
> there was a run in problem involved. An air lock could of course have
> contributed to it as well.
> BTW=2C yesterday I implemented your nose wheel mod. Needed considerable
> efforts to get the original tube out (heating and pressing)=2C but once
> that was done=2C everything assembled nicely together. Only that nylon
> stuff is not easy to work with=2C but I managed to drill a 1" hole right
> in the middle of it=2C and sawed it of squarely. Thanks for a bright idea
> --
> Frans Veldman