Graham Singleton a crit :
> <>
> Robert Borger wrote:
>> Michel,
>> Do I understand correctly that you wish to reduce the approach speed
>> by extending the flaps further than is normally permitted on the
>> monowheel?
>> I
>> Personally, I'd not recommend any of these modifications as you are
>> treading in new, untested areas of Europa aerodynamics. Perhaps one
>> of the more aerodynamically inclined folks can make a better judgement.
>> Check six,
>> Bob Borger
> Bob, Michel
> Ivan did test 30deg flap deflection but he found that at any lower
> speed control was difficult because the ailerons were not effective.
> Don't do it
> Graham
Hello graham;
How are you?
My problem is the next.I live near Grenoble now, and the airfield in
mountains are sometimes short and it is important to have a sufficient
low speed for landing.
To day the monowheel offert a compromise flaps position. In the three
wheels the position flap is 29 to 30? I am interested to obtain the
same no more.
To day my flaps are in 25 position.
My idea is to install a handle on the flap tube command into the tunnel
and the handle pass through one slot on the top of the tunnel, with
three positions in order:
- Flight
- Take off
- Landing
Please look my drawing joint, I study this project.
Naturally I modified the OR5 and increase the slots on each side of the
fuselage (About 20- 25 mm) I add a latch with spring to lock the handle
in each position, this is not close.
I have only one problem I don't know what is the effort previously on
the flap handle?
On many aircraft there is a three or more flaps positions, manual or
electric. In the case of monowheel I prefer manual.
What is your opinion of this idea?