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RE: Europa-List: Mod 73

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mod 73
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 12:19:39

Surely=2C the objective of mod 73 was to prevent the tailplanes from moving
 outboard. There is no guarantee that this 'plaster' stuck onto stainless i
s going to last the life of the aircraft.

What is wrong with my simple fix of replacing the TP5 with a long TP5 reach
ing up to the TP6=2C ensuring that the TP6 cannot ever move inboard.

This also fixes another problem=2C namely the disbonding of the TP5s =2C wh
ich has happened to me on both tailplanes.

BTW=2C I have never noticed any tendency of the tailplanes migrating outboa
rd. Whenever I remove the tailplanes at the end of my season=2C the pip pin
s are still as free and easy as when they went in.


> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 10:43:46 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mod 73
> Fred Klein wrote:
> >
> Fred
> imho John's solution is adding more engineering to fix a symptom. I 
> would prefer removing the cause=2C which is relying on the adhesion of 
> epoxy to stainless steel. Purely mechanical=2C no true bond. Better to 
> make a glass tube properly laid up onto the foam core and the ribs=2C 
> lined with a full length tube with lightening holes. Much more expensive

> in labour but hey=2C we can always pay ourselves a bit less that day =3B-
> The problem is the stainless inserts are not always circular and a bit 
> of swarf from the drillings make them jamb. Trouble!
> Graham

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