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Re: Europa-List: Coolant overheating

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Coolant overheating
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 21:34:05


Graham beat me to the punch so as well as agreeing with what he has said, I 
would just add that before the rings are run in, there will be more blow-by 
which at least will heat the oil and I imagine, generally make the engine 
run hotter.  Remember too, that a new engine is usually much tighter than a 
used one which will also cause it to generate more heat.

Not that I can speak from experience, but I'm wondering if you might be 
better off getting the aircraft into the air where you can properly load the 
engine to run the rings in and at the same time generate more cooling from 
the airflow.  Once the rings are properly bedded in, the heating experience 
on the ground might be quite different from what it is now.

I still have to go through the run-up experience so I humbly speak with 
tongue in cheek.


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