I also used the PVC lock, but found it to be inadequate for towing.
What I did do was to hollow out a piece of 3/4" plywood, to accommodate
the shape of the tailplane and line the opening with carpet (foam would
work, also). This has proven to be very ridged and does a nice job of
holding the rudder firmly...
Jeff - Baby Blue
Frans Veldman wrote:
>> Frans,
>> I did something like Steve did. I will eventually refine it to ride
>> lower but I don't tow mine. The foam sleeves protect the paint.
> Nice to see that everyone comes up with an almost similar solution. Mine
> is not much different, except that it rides lower, and because the fin
> ends there, I have to insert a bolt through the trim slot to keep both
> halves of the lock connected.
> If I did not intent to trailer my Europa, I would probably have made
> something that can be just hang over the rudder and fin, like most
> others do.
> Frans
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