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Re: Europa-List: Re-tensioning undercarriage bungees, monowheel.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re-tensioning undercarriage bungees, monowheel.
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:47:25

 This isn't as difficult as you might think. I had to replace my monowheel
 bungee last year after I found out that mice had been stripping the fabri
c outer off, leaving the strands exposed. Well, that is what I think happe

To replace it; hoist the plane up fairly high, and remove the wheel and th
e suspension block. With all that weight gone the retract should hold it,
 but it is best to tie the man channel down just in case.... You then have
 quite good access to the bungee from behind. Cut the old one off and then
 install the new one. To feed the bungee over the bars attach some string
 with small cable ties. You can then keep pulling it round. 
To tension it it pull the end through, and then move each of the loops in
 turn until the black markings on the bungee cord are evenly spaced. It al
so helps to see how many black markings you had initially between the bars
, and if the bungee is the same as original, tension it until you get the

I would say this all took about 4 hours, which was less than I was expecti
ng. Its a good time to replace the 4 bushes in the top of the suspension
 block if there are any signs of wear.

Roddy Kesterton

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Lamprey <>
Sent: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:45
Subject: Europa-List: Re-tensioning undercarriage bungees, monowheel.

Greetings to all from Kenya.

Kenya Europa classic monowheel 5Y-LRY has been flying 10 years now (550 ho
urs), and the retract bungee is getting tired.  After takeoff and climbout
 at 70 knots the pressure on the flaps helps the retract process, but the
 retract lever needs a good shove into the forward recess.  It would seem
 that changing the bungee is really quite a nightmare, and perhaps I can
 stave this off for a year or two by retensioning them (I have never done
 this before).  Has anyone tried this?  How much life can I expect on rete

All the best

Classic 168


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