Hi! Kourtney
Surely you don't think the British Inland Revenue and Customs and
Excise are so stupid as to allow you to be excused paying a statutory
The only way you may get through the hoop is to register as a company
or sole trader and commit to doing VAT returns quarterly and sooner or
later they will catch up with you ,miss a return and they will be on
you like a ton of bricks.
I don't know what procedure applies to deregister but you can bet
somewhere some system exists to do the "bean" counting and hence an
indepth investigation will follow.
Drop it through a busy company accounts system and you may get through
after saving all the paperwork for the obligatory seven years but you
can expect to have at least one VAT inspection with you "stood by the
bed" in that period.
Just pay up like we all have to do! or get someone to act as a carrier
across borders for you but they are as rare a hens teeth !
Happy New Year and enjoy doing your sums again !
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
>----Original Message----
>From: kourtneymario@yahoo.in
>Date: 29/12/2009 5:10
>To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
>Subj: Europa-List: Is it possible to register for VAT
>Is it possible to register for VAT and then de-register soonafter? I
have set up a website and would love to get my VAT on the build costs
back. Trouble is, I don't want to have to charge VAT going forward so
would want to deregister. Is this allowed?
>i need help
>Read this topic online here:
2009: A year in review - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/2009