Hi Pete,
The insurer will not ask the question, I doubt that it will affect
the premium one way or the other.
I find that the Tri-gear needs about 20 degrees of flap on take off,
so there may not be much advantage to adding an electric flap drive
to a mono.
Dave A061
> I wonder how disconnecting the flaps from the gear affects the
> insurance rates (ie- a more complex aircraft)?
> Pete
> A239
> The thread mentioned that "a few of the mono builders are opting
> for the trike flap drive". I'm not flying a mono yet but have
> flown in them and had noticed that they take off with full flap.
> It had occurred to me that the flap drive motor may be a better idea.
> Phil
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279195#279195
> ==========
> ="_blank">www.aeroelectric.com
> ooks.com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com
> et="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com
> "_blank">www.howtocrimp.com
> ="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution
> le, List Admin.
> ==========
> target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Europa-List
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