> With all the starting temps being discussed can anyone spread some
> light on minimums on cruising temps. Cold weather operation in the
> manual covers carb icing concerns but it doesn't really cover cruising
> temps. Maybe there isn't a reason to cover it. It's about 30 F outside
> right now. Other then maybe covering some of the radiator can anyone
> suggest other possible solutions to keeping the water temps up? Is
> there a minimum CHT we should watch out for?
Jeff and all,
The Rotax manuals do state the optimum cylinder head and oil temps.
One way to ensure proper temperatures is to use a correct cooling air
duct and cowl flap. Thus when you reduce airflow through the radiators,
you also reduce cooling drag.
Other ways include providing too large an air supply to the radiators
and blanking them up, or using an oil or water thermostat. But your
airplanes experiences excessive cooling drag all the time...
Some designer also combine poor cooling with excessive drag ;-)
The basics of radiator aerodynamics can be seen here :
The Europa cooling can be optimized, but this may imply some redesign of
the cowling and radiator ducts.
Happy New Year,
Best regards,