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Re: Europa-List: Hydraulic brake hose

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Hydraulic brake hose
From: Gilles Thesee <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 23:00:08

Mike Parkin a crit :
> *I think M. Bastien of MDO Aircraft is based in Biarritz.  I do know 
> that some of our colleagues on this site have had trouble contacting 
> him.  A French person in France may have better luck.*
Mike and all,

Although I've never met Mr Bastien, I've had the opportunity to ring him 
about his master cylinder.
I get the impression that communication with potential customers would 
be better if their initial message was in French, so if some of you 
gentlemen were kind enough to provide an example message, I'd be happy 
to translate it into French to help facilitate contact with Mr Bastien.
Like with many of my fellow countrymen, the response to a message in 
French might prove considerably quicker.

Best regards,
> **
> * *

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