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Re: Europa-List: Door hinges to fuselage

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Door hinges to fuselage
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:05:25


I think most of us required shims under the hinges to set the door even wit
h the fuselage top.=C2- I find it easiest to use BID in the hinge rebate 
to get the spacing right.=C2- By doing so, you get some additional "bang 
for your buck" in that the BID adds reinforcement to the hinge bed, as well
 as being able to closely control the thickness of the shim by the number o
f layers of BID applied.=C2- I followed the same practice with my rudder 
hinges.=C2- As far as the shot bolts, I found the procedure in the manual
 worked fine.=C2- I installed the hinges first, then the bolts=C2-in th
e doors, then put a little paint on the end of the shot bolt, held the door
 closed , closed the latch to mark the door rebates on the fuselage, then
=C2-drilled and filed the fuselage until the bushings were slightly free 
floating in the hole when the door was closed with the bolt inserted.=C2-
 I then heavily greased the shot bolts, closed the door and REDUXed the bus
hings.=C2- It worked just fine.=C2- Getting the hinge rebates=C2-and 
the hinge tangs fit correctly was a real nuisance.=C2- I must have had th
e doors on and off 50 times.=C2- 

Jim Puglise A-283=C2- =C2-=C2- 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Daniell" <> 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 9:00:31 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Europa-List: Door hinges to fuselage 

Dear all 

My=C2- door hinges require a spacer of 3mm - presumably -=C2- ply and -
=C2- presumably - glassed in on the fuselage (bottom hinge) in order to f
it question was is this normal and if so where in the manual 
was the instruction to do this? 



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