Troy=0Ayou will have less drag at cruise with flaps reflexed up. I would le
ave them alone. =0AThere are several issues affecting trim, CG for starters
, also the wide range of speed. Flaps down there is a lot of up trim needed
because the flaps are very powerful.=0AGraham, (not an expert)=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Troy Maynor <wingnut54@charter.
net>=0ATo: Sunday, 11 April, 2010 3:18:20
=0ASubject: Europa-List: Effects of Flaps and Ailerons on Pitch Trim=0A=0A
=0AHi All, =0A =0AOk, you know what they say about dumb questions. =0AAre m
y flaps reflexed too far (up) if I have to dial in 2 marks of nose =0Adown
trim for straight and level flight or am I thinking backwards? I =0Arechec
ked the weight and balance as well as the stabilator and anti servo limits
=0Aand they are all good. I was thinking maybe just the indicator needed ad
justing =0Abut the tabs are aligned with the stabs. and the stabs. are alig
ned =0Awith the fuselage molding, and the indicator is on zero. Not sure wh
ats going on =0Afor sure. It flies ok but if the tabs aren't aligned it can
't be clean and =0Aefficient. Any thoughts? I figure it's got to be ailero
ns or =0Aflaps.=0AHad to get back home today before I had time to =0Ainvest
igate further. Just need some reenforcing thoughts from you experts. =0ATro