Not only have I not heard of this method, I can=92t see how it works '
I hope
someone can enlighten me. The stuff in the first aid kit would very
have been tincture of iodine, now out of favor, which is a mixture of
elemental iodine and either sodium iodide or potassium iodide, dissolved
what is essentially 100 proof vodka (half water and half ethanol).
I suspect that what really did the job was the shock treatment with the
hammer. As anyone familiar with this handy book
See full size image
knows, a hammer and a cold chisel work together like a poor man=92s
wrench, and make it if not easy at least possible to loosen really tight
nuts and bolts.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
Irvine, CA
Europa XS Tri-Gear
Airframe complete
[] On Behalf Of Fergus Kyle
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 1:44 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Chemical Nut-Busters
Have you heard of this one?:
My first jalopy was a =9137Chev deluxe (With rear seat ash
trays) and
I kept snapping the right rear drive axle which was perhaps =BE=94
steel. I
could never get the nuts off because it was a great winter rust area.
I finally took it to the neighbourhood mechanic who wrenched it
the sky and went to the First Aid kitbox on the wall. He extracted the
Iodine bottle and shot some liquid iodine into the joints and walked
he came back in 20 minutes and whacked the nut with the usual ball-pein
hammer, and quietly unscrewed the nut(s).
I=92ve tried it on rust which hid the joint, and it worked
Anybody else heard this one? Something to do with iodine crystals.