Frans =0AWhat about Henk or Bart, (Roelofs) sorry about the spelling, or Ro
b Zeelenberg, All with lots of experience. Rob did his own first flight the
n let me do an "official" first for him. =0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A__________
______________________=0AFrom: Frans Veldman <>=0ATo: Tuesday, 13 April, 2010 18:51:36=0ASubje
ct: Europa-List: Test pilot wanted for the PH-DIY=0A=0A--> Europa-List mess
age posted by: Frans Veldman <>=0A=0AHi everyone,=0A
=0AWho has followed this forum recently knows that the PH-DIY is for some
=0Atime ready to fly.=0A=0ASo far we have not been lucky with our test pilo
ts. We had one very good=0Aoption in the Netherlands, but his wife didn't l
ike the idea at all.=0AIvan Shaw doesn't answer and apparently is on a crui
se (and after his=0Areturn probably dealing with a huge backlog). Andy Drap
er is willing to=0Ado it, but his agenda appears to be overloaded. Take the
weather into=0Athe equation, and it is almost impossible to make an appoin
tment and=0Areserve a flight for him to come over.=0A=0ASo, we are now sitt
ing under a bright blue sky, next to a shiny new=0Aairplane, while other ai
rplanes are passing over our house, unable to=0Afly, and not really knowing
what to do now.=0A=0AIt is tempting to Do It Yourself, but as a low timer
with no experience=0Ain an Europa this wouldn't be the wisest thing to do,
so far we managed=0Ato resist the temptation.=0A=0ADoes anyone of you know
a capable test pilot? It doesn't has to be an=0Aofficial test pilot, but so
meone with good experience in Europa's and=0Aother planes, and knowing how
to conduct a first flight.=0A=0AWe have options here to take the initial le
ssons in our Europa, so what=0Awe need is only someone with a flexible agen
da who is capable and=0Awilling to do the first flight.=0ARules are easy he
re: As far as the government is concerned, anyone with=0Aa valid JAR PPL is
entitled to fly the PH-DIY. There are no restrictions=0Ain time, distance
or weight.=0A=0AOf course we will pay for expenses and time.=0A=0AIlona & F