". It seems likely that Cliff Shaw's accident was a result of this abrupt
spin stall characteristic in landing configuration. I have a rule (though
not unique), "never skid a turn", keeping a nice margin above stall. It
seems that the Europa (and probably all super clean planes, for instance the
Cirrus), have a propensity to severe stall spin in landing configuration. "
I am tempted to agree with much of what you say. It has been my
contention that Oshkosh makles demands with which that many junior pilots
shouldn't comply. One of these is a short final with multi bank when the
authority calls for a wing-wag when inside rudder is correcting for runway
centreline. There's the critical inside rudder/inside bank pair which
prompts the inner wing stall. From there on down is mathematical.
Know your plane,
Ps: Rudder OFF first before aileron..............