Have a look at the DIN standards DIN960 and DIN961. (OK, there are likely
replaced by ISO or IEC Standards but I have no reference numbers for them in
the moment)
You are correct that a regular M8 would have a pitch of 1.25mm. However, you
can get them also with a pitch of 1mm. I highlighted it by using the common
phrase "fine threaded ". Fine threaded metric bolts are available from M8
This "fine threaded " Metric bolts are not very common and this is why Paul
has such a hard time finding them. I do not have access to the DIN960/961
and have my (German) mechanical reference book at work but I believe an M8
bolt with only 6mm length regardless of the pitch is none standard because
in my opinion it makes mechanically little sense to have a bolt shorter in
length then its diameter because the standard purpose of a bolt is being a
fastener and not a plug for a hole. Also I have not found "fine threaded "
M8 bolts in Stainless Steel.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gilles Thesee" <>
Sent: 2010-08-18 04:36
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Exhaust port bolts for 914
> <>
> Michael Grass a crit :
>> the manual calls for M8 * 6mm with fine threaded pitch of 1 mm
> Michael and all,
> I did not follow this thread too closely, but for what it's worth an M8
> bolt diameter is 8 mm, and the pitch is 1.25 mm.
> Best regards,
> --
> Gilles