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Europa-List: Front wheel wobbling

Subject: Europa-List: Front wheel wobbling
From: Juergen Buschmann <>
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 22:24:28

  Hello, Im a proud newby since Ive bought my Europa classic TRG in 
June this year.
Im German, so please apollogise my bad english particular when it comes 
to technical terms.
Now to my problem with the front wheel:
While landing on tomac the front wheel wobbles like the wheels on an old 
shopping trolley.
This is rather uncomfortable and embarrassing.
It never occures in the takeoff.
It now seems to me, that the bolt of the front wheel fork is bent.
I do not know whether the bolt was bent by wobbling or the wobbling has 
got its origin in the bented bolt.
Any suggestions?


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