Hi Karl, Jerry & Ron,
Thanks for the responses.
Chris is parked at Peterborough.
I know he has pumped out the fuel to get rid of the Avgas, my guess
is that it is a carb problem.
The weather does not look good for this weekend, so we will probably
take the trailer and Chris can check things out when we get back.
I'll advise what caused the problem once it has been sorted.
On 14-Sep-10, at 2:53 PM, Karl Heindl wrote:
> It sounds like a simple case of fuel starvation. Maybe a blockage
> in the fuel line, clogged filters, debris in carburetor. The first
> thing I would check is the fuel flow, with engine off, disconnect
> fuel hose at engine side, and pump into a bucket for a minute, then
> measure.
> Good luck,
> Karl
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