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RE: Europa-List: Fwd: Tech Help re 914

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Fwd: Tech Help re 914
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 23:51:22


Since I've been talking about it on another topic ....where are the carb
bowl pressure balance pipes connected ? Not blocked are they?
Also .....I guess the carb fuel cut off floats are OK ?
Black plugs are telling you over fuel supply somehow or proportionally
shortage of air for clean combustion. Don't suppose any of the air intake
hoses are weak and floppy allowing strangulation?
It the Turbo functioning OK? 
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Rotax 914

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of david miller
Sent: 14 September 2010 16:04
Subject: Europa-List: Fwd: Tech Help re 914

Hi All,

I am forwarding this on behalf of Chris Staines, his Europa is now  
parked midway between Ottawa and London, Ont, following some problems  
on the return flight.
Ferg has kindly agreed to lend Chris his trailer to retrieve the  
aircraft, but as it will be at least a 4 hour drive each way, it  
would be nice if we could fly there and effect a repair.

Any suggestions for trouble shooting the problem would be welcomed.


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